In August 2024 we had the pleasure of receiving a volunteer group from Italy to Testimony2540. The people who make up this unique group traveled hundreds of miles, away from their families and friends, leaving behind the life they have always known to come serve the kids; ‘the community,” as Our Staff said. We had the honor of being there to greet them on behalf of our Testimony, and they brought a freshness — light heartedness, care & hope.
This was more than a visit from some volunteers. It was the start of something amazing, a journey we would both take together — lovingly and hand in hand that will effect not only us but also our children, our families and ultimately the volunteers themselves. Together the days were spent teaching, playing, making and interacting — they soon became more than just visitors but part of the Testimony2540 family.

Connecting from a Distance :Training Volunteers from Italy. I remember the Italian volunteers who came to volunteer with us, and greeted them at airport... there was so much excitement in their eyes. Most of them had never been to Ethiopia, but showed up with open hearts and minds and ready to dive into a new experience. Before they ever landed, their voyage of service had already started. And preparing for weeks, rounding up supplies and studying what we do at Testimony2540. It was obvious they had a motive for being there to serve with compassion, kindness and leave a lasting imprint on the people they met.The kids were very excited to welcome them at our feeding center. Their arrival instantly lightened the mood as it was clear they meant to step into work. The place where they gathered for meals also offered an environment for kids to discover new things and have fun; it turned into their home during the upcoming weeks where they could exchange ideas and express their creativity while emphasizing the importance of affection, above all else.
Engaging in Action. Educating Children and Expressive Arts
Since the beginning of our project at Testimony2540 our volunteers have fully engaged in the routines of the organization. Their teaching efforts stood out as meaningful. They conducted classes covering a range of topics presenting concepts and viewpoints to our young ones. With enthusiasm and understanding they delivered lessons in math, language and even art encouraging the children to express their abilities, in new and exciting ways. The classes aimed to do more than just boost progress. They aimed to inspire the children to dream bigger and expand their horizons beyond their current situations.
The art classes left a lasting impression, on everyone involved. The volunteers organized painting and drawing sessions that allowed the kids to unleash their creativity freely. As paintbrushes touched the canvas and colors swirled on paper the children’s imaginations blossomed.
Families and aspirations were, at the heart of the volunteers efforts as they supported each Childs expression and self esteem growth through painting sessions that revealed the inner worlds of the young ones in a heartwarming display of creativity and emotion.
When our volunteers were not busy teaching or engaging in activities they would often participate in playground games such, as soccer matches or volleyball games.

Understanding the Center: Engaging the Society
The contribution of our Italian volunteers went beyond the confines of the feeding center. They extended their service outside the center: stepping into the homes of poor families, widows, and also going to refugee centers. It was heart-crushing to them, and touching, considering that it was the time they actually saw how many people in the world were suffering. The volunteers didn’t only bring material but time, a shoulder to lean on, and a big heart.
Wonderful of the volunteers was that when they got into houses of widows and poor families they listened to their stories, grieved together with them, and then cheered them up. They provided support for activities visiting the camps helping people who had been kept behind during conflicts and people who had lost everything and had nothing left except hope. The volunteers fed these families, brought them water and clothes, but most importantly, provided ‘the gift of presence’ to many. They were one of the best and most important compensations in assisting these members of society and gave them self-respect, and a reason to smile.

Saying Goodbye to Our Volunteers
Weeks came and went and the reality of parting ways made its presence felt. The children, the staff, and all the loved Italian friends had a heavy heart as they prepared to part ways again to their home countries. The volunteers, on their part, were also not willing to go back since the children and the community meant everything to them. Therefore, parting was a different experience because we were glad to see them with many compliments, and at the same, we were unhappy letting them go.
While the volunteers are packing their stuff, our children made sure to present each volunteer with a painted picture, some drawings & thank you notes. It was sweet and emotional, as many people had tears, owing to the warmth the children had brought snuggled in appreciation towards the care given to them. The volunteers graded their emotions and experiences at Testimony2540 recounting how it felt like and how it had helped transform their entire lives. It was a rather tearful and emotional moment; volunteers were departing back to Italy but the relationships forged would endure – the same could not be said for the emotion in the room.
Looking Forward: The Impact of Our Volunteers
Even if our Italian volunteers are back in their country, their contribution to Testimony2540 is sure not to fall silent for many years to come. They can’t be followed in their footprints because they have filled them with more than impressions. After settling internal disputes, the works they created, the lessons they taught, and the bonds they forged will still remain in our community and continue to elevate it. They have demonstrated the importance of serving others by showing each one of us how much difference we can make when we are united to achieve a common goal.
Our supporters from Italy; we cannot express how much gratitude we owe you for your hard work, insightful thoughts, pleasant demeanor, and a willingness to give. This past weeks you have grown into our family and we cannot wait to see you someday. It is true that your voyage of service has changed a lot about Testimony2540 and so we appreciate every moment that was shared with you. Until we meet again, we say goodbye and give you our love, words of gratitude, and all the best. Become our next volunteer, register here
With deep appreciation and love,
Gadisa Birhanu
Founder And General Manager, Testimony2540.